The Children's Village of Baltimore

Our Mission

It takes a village to raise a child
— African Proverb

The Children’s Village welcomes children ages 6 months to 3 years with a parent or caregiver.

The program offers an opportunity for children and parents/caregivers to share experiences in a supportive, peaceful environment that fosters creativity, independence, and social confidence, while respecting each child’s needs and individuality.

Led by an early childhood specialist, The Children’s Village has a deep respect for the wonder and joy of childhood. We believe that, from birth, the child’s greatest desire is to experience the world through his or her own efforts, actively constructing their own knowledge.

As the children, educators, parents, and caregivers work together in the process of building knowledge, we create a sanctuary for all participants where everyone can relax and be honored and cherished for who they are.


Our Approach

We need to cultivate an atmosphere of reciprocal help and socialization. Implicit in this is a decisive response to a child’s need to feel whole. Feeling whole is a biological and cultural necessity for the child (and also for the adult). It is a vital state of well-being.
— Loris Malaguzzi, founder of the Reggio Emilia approach to early education

our classroom
