The Children's Village of Baltimore

our program


The Children’s Village is located at The Roland Park Community Center. The room, designed with the needs of young children in mind, is a lovely space for parents or caregivers to join their children to play and learn together.

The many windows provide natural light and a beautiful view of the outdoors, enhancing young children’s connection to nature.

Since young children’s language is just beginning to emerge, their attention span is short and they benefit from varying activities and environments.

Care has been given to creating an environment in which children are invited to explore, inquire, hypothesize, solve problems, and to marvel at the wonders of nature.

Children are provided with many open-ended activities that will engage their lively minds and their extraordinary ability for sensory exploration of textures, temperatures, motion, and sound. They tap into their deep desire to learn and refine their skills, while cultivating sustained attention to their explorations.

Parents will spend their time discussing and reflecting on their observations of their children at play in an effort to gain a deeper understanding of development.



Classes run Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Families have the option of signing up for one or two days per week.

1 day a week: $255 per semester

2 days a week: $385 per semester

*10% discount spring semester if you register for the whole year
